Quality Control System of a Garment Manufacturing Company: A Case Study on Brandix Casualwear Bangladesh Limited


  • Mohammad Maksudul Karim Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, Comilla University


Quality, Quality control, Quality assurance, Quality management, Leadership


In this 21st century not only product manufacturers and service providers but also consumers are very much
concern regarding product or service quality. In this aspect all over the world organizations both manufacturing or
service providing are quest for quality. Quality product or service is the first priority of the customers. Organization
adapted many new initiatives to ensure its product quality or service. Due to Globalization organizations established
their manufacturing plant in different countries of the world and the organizations try their level best to ensure the same
product quality or service all around the world. Due to technological upgradation organizations get many facilities to
ensure quality. Besides this, organization’s own philosophy to assure quality also motivate organizations to take various
measures to ensure product or service quality. To be competitive, to get strong market share and good reputation in the
market organizations compete with each other. By using state of the art technology organizations are involved in fierce
competition. Brandixas a foreign company try its level best to ensure product quality to satisfied customers. The study
observed the quality control system of this company.

Author Biography

Mohammad Maksudul Karim, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, Comilla University




How to Cite

Mohammad Maksudul Karim. (2021). Quality Control System of a Garment Manufacturing Company: A Case Study on Brandix Casualwear Bangladesh Limited. Academic Journal on Business Administration, Innovation & Sustainability, 1(4), 1–11. Retrieved from https://www.allacademicresearch.com/index.php/AJBAIS/article/view/12